Run Wales
“If you don’t think you were born to run, you’re not only denying history. You’re denying who you are.” Christopher McDougall

Healthy Mind
Running relieves tension, depression and anxiety due to the release of ‘feel good’ endorphins in the blood. This means runners are happy people.

Happy Brain
As the body works hard the brain reaps the benefits. Running stimulates the creation of new nerve cells and blood vessels within the brain an organ that tends to shrink as a person ages.

Healthy Heart
This is an integral muscle in the body, and as it works harder it also gets stronger.

Happy Blood Pressure
Arteries expand and contract while running. Being active helps to keep the arteries fit which in turn keeps blood pressure within a normal range.

Strengthens Immune System
Regular running builds up tolerance to germs which results in fewer minor illnesses.

Physically Strong Legs
Runner’s legs are a powerhouse. They move us from A to B, carry us up and down hills, and allow us to run long distances. They also will have a hard time fitting into skinny jeans when you are in the thick of marathon training.

Relieves Stress
Running boosts the brain’s serotonin levels which make us calmer and more relaxed. Who said we can’t run away from our problems?!

Increased Bone Density
Running stresses the bones – but in a good way! Through running, essential minerals are sent to the bones which makes them stronger.

Increased Joint Strength and Stability
Running increases the strength of our ligaments and tendons. We find, through running, that our joints are able to withstand more mileage and more uneven terrain as we get fitter and stronger. But that doesn’t mean we’ll never sprain our ankle while running on the trails of Wales! So do be careful

Increased Confidence
Once we start running, generally our confidence begins to grow as well. Confidence can make us feel more in control of life and your body. We all even begin to think we look good in spandex tights!

Getting started

Run Wales has many opportunities to help you start your running journey; from useful resources, inspirational stories and a support network, we’re here to help you along the way.

One thing is certain, no matter what people tell you, there is no right or wrong way to get started – everyone is different.

Some of us love running alone and joining a group or club just doesn’t interest us, whilst some of us DO prefer to run with groups of friends, colleagues or like minded people, and then you’ll get those of us who love to mix it up.

So why not decide for yourself how you’d like to get started! Read our benefits to running solo and group love to make your own mind up!