This week we focus in on North Walian group Porth Eirias Runners . . .

As soon as restrictions were eased Porth Eirias Runners were straight back pounding the prom with lots of enthusiasm & smiles!!
They returned with a 5 newly qualified leaders, (taking the total to 9 leaders in all) and a new timetable offering lots more classes.
The group now offers sessions on a Monday & Wednesday at 6.30am & 6.30pm, these sessions are open for all abilities, you can run, walk, train for a 5k or a marathon!! They also offer Pilates classes for runners along with hill and interval training. On a Thursday evening there is a walking group, usually around the Great Orme and on Saturday at 9am they meet at Llanddulas for their very own (not) The Park Run. All sessions are pre-booked using an on-line system to ensure covid secure meet ups.

Run leader Paula Ford said “a lot of member missed the structure of run club during lockdown and some stopped running all together and lost their confidence so we are working hard to get them all back on track, we have also welcomed a lot of new members. All our sessions are fun and very inclusive so everyone is welcome.”
“8 members completed the Nick Beer 10K on Sunday 18th July, it was a tough run in the heat but they all agreed it was good to be back at a real start line and they cant wait to get training for future events.”

If your interested in your group being featured please email