As Young Person’s Physical Activity Officer at Run Wales, Cath is promoting engagement and participation in physical activity.
The Chief Medical Officer recommends that children and young people should achieve on average 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) daily. They should take part in a variety of activities that develop movement skills and strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the time spent sitting.
To support this requirement, we can inspire our young people to join their local junior parkrun or encourage our primary schools to join The Daily Mile initiative. These free, inclusive and fun initiatives are a simple way to get our young people active whilst enjoying fresh air and reaping the benefits of social physical activity.

Both initiatives strive to enhance the health and well-being of young people in Wales, sharing similar goals and aspirations.
The Daily Mile is a transformative initiative where children run, wheel or walk for fifteen minutes within the school day.
Inclusivity and accessibility have always been at the heart of The Daily Mile – getting young people involved regardless of age, ability or personal circumstance.
Research shows that The Daily Mile improves physical and mental health and wellbeing, attention, focus and concentration in the classroom. 19,900 schools and early years settings across the world are taking part!
The Daily Mile is an opportunity for schools to embed further physical activity in their day in a way that can promote long term behavioural changes in children. It was created by a teacher and has the full support of educators.
junior parkrun offers a free community event where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or simply cheer on participants. Tailored for 4-14 years olds, the 2km run takes place every Sunday morning and kicks off with a fun warm-up!
junior parkrun is positive, welcoming and inclusive. There is no time limit, no one finishes last and everyone is welcome to join regardless of ability. Participation in junior parkrun is simple and easy: simply register online and bring your barcode along on the day!

parkrun offers plenty of volunteering opportunities with no previous experience required. There are a range of roles to choose from, presenting a fantastic chance to connect with others and become part of the parkrun community.
Join your local junior parkrun! Spread The Daily Mile message at your local primary school! Partner with social running groups, councils, and schools to boost participation and engagement. Spread the word! 2km parkrun, 1 daily mile, go for it!
Have any questions or want more information?
Contact Cath, Young Person’s Physical Activity Officer on