As part of UK Coaching Week 2020 we are focusing on and celebrating some our fantastic female Run Leaders.
Steph Ferry – CDF Runners

Dave Sinclair wrote, “For your Leading Ladies feature I’d like to nominate Steph Ferry who is a Qualified run leader with CDF Runners. Steph is an excellent session leader and more than that is an important part of our club committee, using her communication skills in particular but also her general level headedness, good sense and efficiency to help guide the committee towards the right decisions, and has been invaluable as we’ve returned to running our sessions. For the last couple of years Steph has also organised the annual Time to Talk run at Moti run club and is a strong advocate of openness about mental health issues.”

Great work Steph, another fantastic Leading Lady! Thank you Dave for the nomination.
If you know a Leading Lady who deserves a mention or are a Leading Lady yourself and want to share your story please get in touch. You can contact us via email or our social media platforms.
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