Run Wales

There is no doubt that running with a buddy or in a group will make you a better runner, as the benefits of training in a group environment are huge! Here are some for you to consider;


Running groups hold you accountable when that little voice in your head tries to convince you to stay indoors and cuddle up on the sofa! But when there are others out there counting on you, you are far more likely to make the effort and show up.


One of best ways to become a better runner is to do it more often. Having a running group will help you stick with your running all year round!


Running with a group is incredibly motivating because there is ALWAYS someone who can spur you along and encourage you to go for that PB! Learning new tips and tricks and seeing them work is a great motivator and people within a group can share their experiences and knowledge with you.

Social Facilitation

There is actually some psychological benefits to running with a group. Social Facilitation or audience effect is a social psychology term that means “an improvement in performance produced by the mere presence of others.” So essentially running with other people creates an excitement that helps you run faster than you thought you could on your own.

But, whilst running in a group offers all the above mentioned benefits – it’s also a sure fire way to make new friends!

To find out how you can start a group, you can find details in our Guide to Setting up a Social Running Group.