Paula Jones, Leader |
I am originally from Brighton but have lived in North Wales for 7 years. I didn’t start running until I was 50 after watching the Brighton Marathon, I remember standing near the finish line thinking I wish I could take part!!! Now, nearly 9 years later I am a Run Leader for Porth Eirias Runners. I am not a natural sporty person but I love being out with the group and I take great pleasure in supporting others on their running journey.
Jasper McQueen, Leader |
I started running in 2019 after my wife had joined Porth Eirias Runners C25K program. I was inspired to try it myself but didn't think I would last a week as running had never interested me. I am happy to say I loved it and soon joined Porth Eirias Runners. I have since run a variety of races from 5k to a marathon…….everyone loves a medal and a T-shirt!!! Running with a group helped me gain greater fitness and a better understanding of pre and post run preparations, and it's just more fun running with a group. About 2 years ago I was asked if I would like to become a Run Leader, I jumped at the chance to give back the support I had received and help other runners on their journey to success. |
Ann O'Connor, Leader |
I have been a member of the Porth Eirias Runners (PER) for a few years now and became a Run Leader just over two years ago. I'm in my mid-50s and certainly not a super fit, elite runner, but the group encourage and supported me on my journey. I feel so lucky to be able to run and socialise with people of all background and abilities, and I enjoy being able to give something back and encourage others to take that first step.
Mark Evans, Leader |
I started running in 2020 @ 46 years young, doing C25K with Porth Eirias Runners. I didn't think I would last a week as I had tried running before on my own and did not stick to it, but I’m happy to say I now really enjoy running!!! I have since run a variety of races from 5k to a marathon. Running with the group has helped me find my pace and my love for running, it's much more enjoyable running with others and I have made so many new friends. About 2 years ago I was asked if I would like to become a Run Leader, I jumped at the chance to give back the support I had received and even ran a C25k course to help people find their love for running, it's amazing how we all think we can't run 1 min let alone 5k. I love being part of this friendly no pressure run club. |
Catrin Williams, Leader |
I used to run solo until I joined Porth Eirias Runners in 2019. Joining the group and running with others helped me gain confidence, it has also helped me mentally & physically. I have learnt that being a larger body size doesn't stop you running and I have found the courage to enter races and cover all different distances, I also enjoy the club social runs which include a glass of prosecco or two!!! I loved running with the club so much when I heard they wanted a new leader I put my name forward and was overwhelmed when they chose me. I am looking forward to putting my bubbly character and running experience to good use and helping others take that first step on their running/walking journeys. |
Tracey Stubbins, Leader |
I moved to north Wales in 2021 from Birmingham, though I’m a Lancashire lass originally. The year before I’d bought a pair of running shoes in a big rush, just before the first Covid-19 lockdown, out of fear of achieving about 250 steps a day whilst working from home! Soon after arriving here, I spotted one of Porth Eirias Runners posts on Facebook. I was attracted by the friendly, welcoming and inclusive approach as well as the flatness of the promenade! I’m grateful to PER for reviving my interest in running and for all the support the leaders provide, whatever your reasons for taking part or your running ambitions. That’s why I offered to train as a Run Leader, to give back a little and support the group as it continues to grow. |
Zara Parry, Leader |
I’ve been running on and off for many years, running solo or with a friend or two during work lunchtime breaks as a way to keep fit. I joined Porth Eirias Runners after a bit of a break after being introduced by a friend and have never looked back. I was made to feel welcome immediately with no pressure on pace or distance. The group are very supportive and motivating and running became enjoyable again! I’ve made new friends and the social side is also a big bonus, any excuse to collectively enter races and to celebrate our achievements as a group afterwards. 😊 Becoming a run leader for the group was a no brainer, giving me the opportunity to give back the support I’d received when joining to new and existing members and spreading the joy running can bring along the way. |
Crazy Sue, Leader |
Hi, I’m Sue, I started running when I was 40 as part of keeping fit & well-being. I was soon addicted ! I was involved with Cross Country and was the Cross Country Manager for 3 years, I was also the Social Secretary for 3 years with my previous club. At this time I was running regular half marathons which was my favourite discipline, also lots of trail runs and 10 kms often getting placed in my age group. I even managed 2 marathons. After reaching a certain age I thought I’d hang my trainers up thinking I was too old!!! Bad decision. I felt I was missing out every time I saw someone running. I spotted Porth Eirias Runners on the promenade, they always seemed so friendly and had a smile on their faces so I thought I would look them up and give it a try. After a couple of years I was asked if I’d like to become a Run Leader. (LiRF). I felt so privileged to be asked and threw myself into the challenge. I am happy to pass on my experience and love of running to others. I feel it’s a healthy way of life and everyone can achieve their goal, whether it be walk, jog or run. Warm ups are important and I concentrate on technique and words of encouragement, I always make a session fun and engage everyone. Porth Eirias Runners are so supportive throughout thick and thin and strong friendships are made. Long may I run and pass my enthusiasm & support on and encourage others to join our happy group. Who knows at 65, I may manage a third marathon. You’re never too old. |
Barry Palmer, Leader |
I had been running solo on and off for 10 years, trying to maintain a level of fitness, while juggling a busy work and home life. The main benefit of running for me has been the positive impact on my mental wellbeing, its a fantastic way of unwinding after a busy day.
I always wanted to join a running club but felt intimidated to do so as I didn't consider myself to be a 'proper runner'. I then stumbled across the Porth Erias Runners group page on Facebook, they looked like a friendly, welcoming group, not intimidating whatsoever!!! So I took the plunge and joined the group in 2023. I can honestly say it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The group have been so welcoming and supportive and I have made some great friends along the way. I was incredibly proud when I was asked to become a leader, especially as I was so new to the group. I hope I can help to make all runners feel as welcome as I did when I joined the group and encourage them on their running journeys.