Run Wales


Rhiwbina Runners/Rhedwyr Rhiwbeina

Guide Runner

LED BY: Lucy Hammond

Summary of Group:

We are a social running group in North Cardiff that meets once a week on a Wednesday evening for an informal social run.

The group is mixed ability and a wide age range. We have some new runners challenging themselves to run as far as 5km, to regular club runners and those training for marathons and ultras who like to join the group for a weekly run.

The emphasis is on 'friendly and encouraging' with no commitment required to turn up regularly. Many attendees may run with other groups or clubs as well and many attend and volunteer at local parkruns. Rhiwbina Runners is just a safe place to run with company (particularly on dark evenings), find new routes in the area and get any advice and encouragement that you may find helpful to enjoy running. Much of the running is road running to keep to safe routes but because of such good local access to different terrain we also do some hill training and in better weather we also venture onto nearby trails.

For weekly planned routes please join the Facebook Group Wednesday Runaways (Rhedwyr Rhiwbina) or join Rhiwbina Runners Plotaroute at

We have some trained guide runners to support visually impaired or blind runners to join our runs - please contact us to discuss and check availability.




Day: Wednesday Time: 18:30 Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Rhiwbina Ovobike stand (outside Northwood Estate Agents), Heol y Deri, Rhiwbina, Cardiff, CF14 6HA Cost: Free
Activity: Social Run Gender: Mixed
Pre-planned routes posted on the Facebook group each week. Usually a shorter route of around 5km and a longer route of about 8km. Mixed ability and paces to suit whoever is running so that individuals aren't left to run alone. Average about 45 minute run. Hill repeat session every 2 months instead of a run to suit all levels.


Day: Sunday Time: Various Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Various Cost: Free
Activity: Ad-hoc Trail Runs Gender: Mixed
Occasional ad hoc social trail runs organised at various locations around outskirts of Cardiff.



We can certify regular participation for Duke of Edinburgh awards. Various ad hoc events are arranged in addition, including occasional weekend road trips for scenic trail runs. Members often arrange training runs and other ad hoc activities to train together and support each other if they are working towards a race.



Lucy Hammond, Run Leader
I started running as an adult as an attempt to keep fit after hating it passionately as a kid. I am a big fan of trail running and have participated in a number of races across South Wales that give a chance to run in beautiful locations but with no PB pressure! I also enjoy orienteering for the same reasons of getting off road and into more interesting terrain with every event being different. This kind of running is about community and supporting each other, which is the ethos of social running and Rhiwbina Runners.
Paula Allen, Run Leader
I’ve always participated in some form of sport and exercise, but I only started running around seven years ago. Running never really appealed to me before this. One Saturday, a friend encouraged me to go along to a local parkrun and immediately I was hooked! Although I enjoy the trails, my preference is road running. I enjoy running all distances, from 5Ks to marathons. I joined Rhiwbina Runners about three years ago. It is a fantastic group to belong to. Everyone is so enthusiastic and encouraging. The social side plays a significant factor in my enjoyment too. I’ve made lots of lovely friends by attending the Wednesday evening sessions and post run meet ups.
Caroline Tinsley, Run Leader
I started running in 2015 doing a variation of the couch to 5km programme. Shortly after, I jumped in the deep end with a charity London marathon place, and I joined Rhiwbina Runners to help me with the training. Since then I have gone on to try my hand at most distances and terrains. From a leisurely parkrun all the way to trail ultras. Most of this I wouldn’t have achieved without the company of like-minded friends met through social running groups. Now it’s my turn to give back and support other runners as a qualified LIRF leader. You’ll often find me at the back enjoying a chat and at the bar for a post-run beverage (Photo credit Patrick So Photography).
Rachel Flint, Run Leader
For a long time I didn't understand people who ran, and never imagined I would be someone who actually enjoyed going out for a run, but I can now hand on heart say I love running. For me running is about great friends, exploring and relaxing, it's the time I feel the happiest and most alive. Like Lucy I love hitting the trails, and travelling to different parts of Wales and the UK for running adventures. Recently I've started long distance running and have fallen in love with the ultra community, the epic scenery, the challenge, and the chatty people covered in mud I've met along the way. Joining Rhiwbina Runners has not just been about having a weekly run with a group of people who encourage and support me, but I've made friends for life.