2019 saw the first official Pride Cymru Pride run take place on the August bank holiday weekend, and what an amazing time everyone had!
This year our Big Social Run Teams across Wales, in association with Pride Cymru, would love for you to join us for the 2020 Virtual Big Social Pride Run.
Run for Pride any day over the long August bank holiday weekend, so 29/30/31 August & be as colourful and bold as you can. Rainbows get bonus points.
Run with members of your household, or with friends, or run solo and free
We’ll be celebrating LGBT Equality and making a positive statement through getting out and having a great run (or walk if you prefer) and sharing it on our Facebook, Twitter & Instagram accounts. Remember to use the hashtag #PrideBigSocialRun
We can’t wait to see all your posts!
We’re delighted that Pride Cymru have made this an official part of their 2020 programme.
Remember – this isn’t just for members of the LGBT community. It’s for anyone who supports LGBT equality.
You can expect more utterly stupid teaser videos from the team, as we know you would complain if we didn’t do them! Sign up and spread the word
No competition, no costs, no prizes, just be part of a mass run on your own terms and in your own time.
We’ve created a virtual run, where you can sign-up officially and share your run with others. Entry is entirely free and we will be including loads of extra elements to make your virtual Big Social Run extra special.
And when you’ve done your run we want to hear all about it #PrideBigSocialRun
A free, fun, social run for everyone
Runners should ensure that they are adhering to social distancing rules at all times.
Further guidance on social distancing whilst running ENGLISH | CYMRAEG

Have you seen our fantastic Big Social Run T-Shirts, find the HERE