Run Wales


Môn Milers Social Running Group

Summary of Group:

Môn Milers is a friendly and supportive Social Running Group with members who enjoy running together in and around Anglesey. We are a community group, run entirely by volunteers, guided by our members and supported by our qualified Run Leaders and Coaches.

We know what a positive impact running can have on your physical and mental health, so focus on bringing the joy of running through participation rather than competition! Most of our Run Leaders got into running as adults, so we also understand, first-hand, how daunting it can be to join a group and the challenges of sticking with it. We have 5kers and ultra-marathon runners amongst the team, so we'll be right there with you wherever you are on your running journey, supporting you wherever it takes you!

This group is linked to a Welsh Athletics Running Club: Clwb Run Wales



Day: Tuesday               Time: 6pm & 6:45pm              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Llangefni               Cost: £1
Activity: Skills & Drills Interval Training          Gender: Mixed
We have two coached groups every Tuesday, one of which trains out and about in Llangefni, and the other is based at a private car park.  These coached sessions give you the opportunity to practice different elements of your running technique through a variety of training approaches, but are based on intervals of effort and recovery, so suitable for runners of all abilities and experience.

The focus is very much on practicing and improving your running form to reduce your chances of injury and help you run more efficiently (and therefore faster). Our Coaches will guide you through each element of the session and ensure that you work at a level of intensity that is suitable for you. You don't need to be 'fast' to benefit from these sessions!

Day: Wednesday               Time: 7pm              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Various - across Anglesey and Gwynedd               Cost: Free
Activity: Wednesday Wanderers Social Run          Gender: Mixed
This is a mid-week social run of between 3 and 5 miles at a gentle, chatty pace with plenty of stops to regroup and have a natter.  There is always a tail runner so no one is ever left behind.  The location and routes will vary from week to week, sometimes including some or all off-road trails.


Day: Thursday               Time: 9:30am              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Llangefni and various locations               Cost: Free
Activity: ThursDAY Run          Gender: Mixed
This daytime social run is a great opportunity for new and returning runners to gradually build up their mileage on a variety of terrains in a relaxed and supportive group, whilst enjoying the beautiful location.


Day: Thursday               Time: 7pm              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Llangefni               Cost: Free
Activity: The #MyRunMyWay Run          Gender: Mixed
Thursday evening's session provides an opportunity for everyone to do their own thing regarding pace as it is based around a timed 'out and back'. Run Leaders will be supporting at each end of the spectrum, with the faster runners covering approximately 10k, and others coming together for a sociable walk or jog.


Day: Weekend               Time: Early              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Various - across Anglesey and Gwynedd               Cost: Free
Activity: More Milers          Gender: Mixed
More Milers runs are aimed at Môn Milers who are looking to increase their distance.  Predominantly road-based, the focus of these runs is 'time on feet' and practicing long-run strategies, getting you used to going longer.  The routes are generally over 10 miles in distance.


Day: Sunday               Time: 8:15am              Level: Mixed Ability
Location: Various - across Anglesey and Gwynedd               Cost: Free
Activity: Sunday Social Trail Run          Gender: Mixed
Each weekend we try to find a new and interesting place to run as a group and enjoy and off-road adventure! The pace is generally easy, with lots of stops to chat, take in the scenery and take plenty of photos. The Run Leaders will always ensure that there is a back-marker and no-one will be left behind.



We have a passion for supporting new and returning runners so hold regular beginners courses to help people achieve their 5k goals, and then support them to integrate into other group activities so that they can continue their running journey whatever their aspirations may be. We also encourage members to participate in other activities and hold regular group hikes around the wonderful North Wales countryside.

A group of our members also enjoy a weekly early morning sea dip together at one of our local beaches as an informal activity for anyone who wants to join them.



Josie Rhisiart - Coach and Run Leader
Josie is one of the Môn Milers coaches, having started running through the Couch to 5k programme as an adult and discovered, most unexpectedly, that she enjoyed it and loved belonging to such a supportive community!  She progressed through various distances through to Anglesey's multi-day ultra marathon, the Ring 'O Fire, but retains her passion for encouraging new runners to find the joy in running.  Josie also established the Nant y Pandy parkrun event on Anglesey and, when she's not joining in with group runs, can often be found exploring new routes for the Mon Milers along with her dog, Lili.


Brian Corcoran - Coach and Run Leader
Chris Jones - Run Leader
Corinne Ricciardi - Run Leader
Gwenda Jones - Run Leader
Jay Wymer - Run Leader
Janice Davies - Run Leader
My name is Jan and I am a qualified Run Leader with Môn Milers. I consider myself to be very privileged to have been given the opportunity to do this qualification. I started running with Môn Milers approximately 4 years ago. Previous to this, I had done Race for Life on annual basis and had not run any further distances than this. By being encouraged and motivated by the Run Leaders at Môn Milers I began running longer distances, and also by regularly attending formal training sessions focusing on technique, my running style has improved no end and I feel that I am a stronger runner because of this and still learning about becoming stronger. I am able to use this knowledge as a Run Leader in order to assist and motivate members of the group.
If you are new to running or an experienced runner, join the team and benefit from being part of a successful social running group.
Sally Heywood - Run Leader
Angharad Rhisiart - Run Leader
Angharad started running 6 years ago when she accidentally said "yes" to the offer of joining a friend on a 5k charity run. She has since surprised herself by willingly running distances from 5k up to full marathon. Angharad's main motivation for running is her sheepdog and she loves running forest and coastal trails with him at the helm! She is a proud promoter of running with Type 1 diabetes.


Julia Ball - Run Leader
Julia started running after her best friends Dad passed away and, having been doing a little bit of running, they took part in the Great North Run together. Her love for running grew from that first race and has been her saviour for years to help keep her physically and mentally strong.  Julia is hugely encouraging to others to just have a go and absolutely loves it when they surprise themselves with their own ability.


Jane Winstone - Run Leader
Gwilym Jones - Run Leader
Paul Maitland - Run Leader
Adel Pritchard - Run Support
Stephen Bernasconi - Run Leader
Rebecca Davies - Run Leader
Stuart Jewell - Run Leader
Caroline Knight - Run Leader
Mared Thomas - Run Leader
Matthew Knight - Run Leader
Susan Davies - Run Leader
Terry Davies - Run Leader
Kris Patience - Run Leader