Cath, our Young Person’s Physical Activity officer, had the pleasure of visiting Cwmffrwdoer Primary School at the end of the busy Summer term. She was greeted warmly by staff and pupils who were excited to showcase their Daily Mile. The enthusiastic Year 2 teacher and supporting staff were thrilled to welcome Run Wales and invited Cath to join in the fun!
It was clear to see how embedded The Daily Mile was within their school day; the transition from learning to running was slick and seamless! The Year 2 pupils were eager to get going and were very proud of their Daily Mile involvement.

Cath joined in and chatted with learners en-route! Here’s what they had to say about The Daily Mile:
‘It makes me happy and ready to go for learning.’
‘It’s a good start to the rest of the day.’
‘It makes me tired which is good because I sleep well and can do it all over again tomorrow!’
‘The Daily Mile keeps me fit so I can do my sports.’
‘I’ll do it forever and teach my own kids to do it!’
‘If you feel like you can’t do it, don’t worry. If you can’t run you can walk.’
‘Just try it ‘cause it might make you feel better!’

The pupils were excited to tell Cath about the other classes who take part in their school, and how they sometimes end up doing their Daily Mile together. They had mature, impressive insights into the physical and emotional benefits of physical activity. Pupils built upon this knowledge and understanding by linking The Daily Mile to their curriculum in a human body project. They demonstrated a sound understanding of the importance of developing lifelong physical activity habits; The Daily Mile being the foundation for this!
The wonderful staff also shared their views on The Daily Mile. Their commitment is admirable; they truly believe in the long-term benefits of the initiative for pupils and staff. They are increasingly enthused as a result of the passion of The Daily Mile lead, along with the infectious engagement of all the pupils! It was noted that The Daily Mile is particularly beneficial to facilitate energy and academic learning breaks within a continuous provision model.
‘Pupils are ready to learn after their Daily Mile.’
‘Pupils rely on it- they know it’s coming and they can use it as a brain break.’
‘It’s an essential part of our school day- we couldn’t do without it’.
Cwmffrwdoer Primary are proud recipients of the Children Fit for Life Award! The Daily Mile Children Fit for Life Award is a celebration of a school’s commitment to enhancing children’s health and happiness. The award aims to ignite a sense of pride and ownership among educators and children on their shared journey towards improved health and wellbeing.

To find out more and apply, follow the link: The Daily Mile Children Fit For Life Award | The Daily Mile UK
We hope you feel inspired by the superb efforts of staff and pupils at Cwmffrwdoer Primary School! Sign up to join the movement using the link: Join The Movement | The Daily Mile UK