This week we focus on the brand new LGBT+ run group Cardiff Foxes. This is what founder Richard had to say . . .
“I took up running in August of 2019, shortly after buying my house. It backs up onto the Taff Trail so it seemed like the perfect time to invest in some proper running shoes and get my rear in gear and start getting those miles in. Since then, I haven’t looked back and in the past 18 months the escapism a trail run brings has definitely been a life and sanity saver.

So why start an LGBT+ running club? I run roughly 98% of my runs solo, so why give myself the hassle of starting a running club? Why not just join one of the myriads of clubs nearby?
Because running isn’t accessible to everyone. Even though LGBT+ acceptance and visibility has come on leaps and bounds things are still dire. From regular transphobic diatribes in newspapers across the political spectrum, to queerphobic chants in the Euros. Even last week there was a violent homophobic attack on the streets of Cardiff. So, what does this have to do with running you ask? Well, a lot. I’m very lucky in that I don’t get pestered when I run: I’m a man in my late twenties who’s bald and has facial hair, which makes me pretty invisible to most people I pass. However, how many stories of female runners being heckled and jeered crop up daily? This is why campaigns like She Runs are important. These kinds of jeers, heckling and harassment also happens to visibly queer runners, and while many running clubs are inclusive, this isn’t always the case. I play rugby for the Cardiff Lions, a gay and inclusive rugby club so I already know the value and safety such dedicated environments can offer. So, if I could start a running club for other members of Cardiff and South Wales’ LGBT+ community that offers the same feeling of acceptance and safety while engaging in a sport I love then I know it’s worth it.

I need to thank my friend Yan for giving me the boot up the behind to put talking about it into practice. I had been dithering for a while and Yan told me to just put it out there and see what people think because what’s the worst that could happen?
So, I tweeted asking if anyone would be interested and a couple of retweets, and many likes later, it seemed we had a lot of interest. David Sinclair (@cardiff_dave) was a particular lifesaver, as a qualified run leader and coach for Moti Cardiff he offered his assistance in arranging a route and to lead the first run. After a lot of messaging and discussion we agreed to have our inaugural run at 10:30 am on the 3rd of July with a social 5 km around Bute Park.

This being Wales of course meant that the forecast was torrential rain but luckily, we were spared the rain and instead treated to incredibly humid and warm weather. It wasn’t the most pleasant. But 11 of us met up outside of the Pettigrew Tearooms and we were off! It was a great 5 km and nice to chat with other LGBT runners who were enthused to have a dedicated LGBT running group where they felt they could be their authentic self. At the end of the run, we all sat down for a caffeine fix at the Tearooms and enthusiastically discussed making the group a regular thing. The inagural Rainbow Run was nothing short of a fantastic success and since that day we have continued to hold a weekly Saturday run.
Recently, we asked our attendees to help us pick a name for the group and we are delighted to confirm that we are now called Cardiff Foxes. We’d love any LGBT+ folk run with us so would encourage everyone to follow our page on Eventbrite at and book a free ticket to come along.”

If your interested in your group being featured please email