Run Wales

Getting to know Run Wales Ambassador James Thomas

So, James, when did you start/return to running?

“The main reason for me to start running was to do something about my weight; I was 14 stone 8 before I started running and now currently under 12 stone and so much fitter and healthier. I know it sounds cheesy but running has changed my life, I have made so many new friends from it and my mental attitude is stronger and more positive.”

What inspired you to take up running?

“I like a challenge and dived right in the deep end and did the Cardiff Half Marathon as my first race. I said after the race I would never run again, but 5 years on and over 30 Half Marathons later I still have the running bug more than ever.”

What motivates you to keep getting out the door for a run?

“To keep getting better and to motivate others to start running. I recently got my girlfriend to take up running and she will be running her first half marathon at Swansea next month.”

What do you enjoy most about running?

“The sense of freedom it gives you, the competitiveness and friendships made at races and most of all those positive endorphins and always buzzing after a run.”

What goals have you set yourself this year?

“My main goal in 2018 is to go under 40 minutes for 10K. I nearly did it in the Bristol 10K this month but just came up short, running 40.29….ahhh.”


What would you say to someone thinking of trying running for the first time?

“Do it!!! There are so many positives to taking up running and being active. The hardest part is getting out the door, but once you do you will get the running bug I promise.”


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