Run Wales

Volunteer Week 2017

I may be procrastinating from cleaning the house, but with Volunteers Week underway, 1st – 7th June 2017, I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on why volunteering makes the world go round.

As I embark on my journey to becoming a Junior parkrun Event Director and as a Run Wales – Run Champion, both completely voluntary roles, I have begun to look back on what has brought me to this moment.

Through volunteering I have experienced some of the best, most rewarding moments of my life and met some utterly amazing people, cheesy I admit, but oh so true. I began volunteering when I realised the benefit of teaching my son an invaluable life lesson in helping others while expecting nothing in return but he did, inadvertently, get something in return. He fell in love with supporting others to achieve their goals and it makes my heart sing to see this incredible young man developing before my eyes into a truly compassionate, giving and supportive human being who just gets a kick out of telling other people how awesome they are. Don’t get me wrong, I do not wear rose tinted glasses and he can still be a little devil at times, but that’s the nature of a 10 year old child.

From charity fundraising to being Parkrun high viz heroes we have done it!

Give volunteering a go and I promise you that the personal reward from supporting others will keep you coming back for more time and again. Volunteering does make the world go round and while we struggle to come to terms with recent atrocities volunteering reminds us that no matter what there will always be people willing to step up, selflessly giving to make the world a better place.

Now, if only I could find someone willing to volunteer to clean my house…

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