Run Wales

Who am I?

Well that’s a good question. It’s one I often ask myself. Sometimes several times a day lol!

Let’s see if I can break it down. I’m Nicola and I’m a wife and a mother. I am a Christian and I work part time for the Presbyterian Church of Wales. I have a small craft business as I love to sew and crochet and I run. I run to clear my head. It’s my space, my time. Life encroaches on pretty much every spare minute so when I get the chance I run to escape.

I started running 3 years ago, I was unhappy with my body and desperately wanted to lose weight. A very good friend lost her husband just after his 31st birthday. He was the same age as me. It was a pretty big shock so I decided it was time to stop complaining and do something.

I signed up to the Race for Life 5k and downloaded a Couch to 5k podcast onto my phone. The rest, as they say, is history. I’ve run lots of 5k and 10ks and have even run 6 half marathons. I’m not fast. I doubt I ever will be. But running has given me a new found respect for my body. It can do amazing things. It can carry me, one foot in front of the other, for 13miles. Unfortunately, I love cake and crisps too much to lose any weight but I’m in better shape and much stronger than I was 3 years ago.

I am honoured to be a Run Wales run champion and I will endeavour to write frequent posts following my running journey.